
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

5 Personal Picks for Spring

There are so many fun new trends for spring this year. I am loving a lot of them, but I decided to choose just five of my faves to share with you all. This isn't just a standard list of things I found elsewhere, this is a list of trends that I actually am loving and looking forward to rocking this spring!

When I was looking through google images trying to find photos that suited me, I noticed a lot of polyvore sets. I decided to just nix the idea of googling, hoping to find something I liked, and just created some polyvore sets. I thought it worked out perfectly. I used to use polyvore frequently about two years ago, and then I just didn't seem to have the time, but I may start creating more outfit sets with it and posting them here. I really used to enjoy creating outfits on there. Clicking the images may take you to my polyvore profile, username lmwhit13 (That's an "L"  not an "i"). Anyway, I hope you will enjoy my personal picks and loves for spring! 

1. Florals
spring florals
2. Gold

3. Brighter Colored Lipsticks in hues of pink, coral, and red
Bright Lips

4. Bright Colored Bags

Bright Bags

5. Wedges

1 comment:

  1. Love the sets you picked, im setting up a polyvore after seeing this xoxo
