
Saturday, December 10, 2011

10 Steps to a Fab Banana Pudding! Yummmmmm

(The recipe I used is based on this banana pudding recipe found here.)

And here is how to make this easy and yummy recipe:

1. Stir 1 cup of milk and the 2 boxes of pudding in a bowl. (We used one box of french vanilla and one box of banana cream instant pudding.)

2. Add the can of sweetened condensed milk.

3. Fold in the two containers of whipped topping. (We used french vanilla flavored whipped yummy!)

4. Fold in the container of sour cream.

5. Now, it's time to slice those bananas up!

6. Brush the  banana slices with lemon juice just to prevent them from turning brown too quickly.

7. Stir in banana slices.

The pudding will look like this:

8. Place a layer of vanilla wafers in the bottom of a 13x9 inch dish. (We used mini vanilla wafers.)

9. Next, layer all of the pudding mixture on top of the layer of wafers.

10. Add another layer of vanilla wafers on top, and you're done!
I made mine earlier in the day and let it sit in the fridge for several hours before I served it after dinner tonight. It was perfect! Loved the recipe so much, and I can't wait to make this again!!!


  1. This looks incredible Leslie! Love the layers....and looks pretty easy to make :) Better is tasted divine!!

  2. I am totally trying this today. Completely different from how I make it during the holidays... but I believe this will be much better.
